Walks to school

Created by Sarah evans 11 years ago
Hi Bampa You have left me with so many amazing memories, you are such a fantastic man and I'm very lucky and proud to be able to call you MY Bampa :-) Very precious memories for me were when mam worked early and you would come over to take me to school, we always knew it was u at the door tap tap tapping with your key always made us laugh when mam would chuckle and say "think Bampa is here". Every morning you would bring a kit kat, can of diet coke and a packet of ready salted crisps, you always told me they were your favourite flavour and I would save them for our walk home to share with you yet tou rarely had one which as a child puzzled me how you wouldn't want one of your favourite crisps. We would have such wonderful conversations and I would ask about our family you always had a funny story to tell me. One particular day springs to mind when we were walking to school I was a little upset as a girl had been cruel the previous day about my freckles and I spoke to you about it, you sat me on a wall put your arm around me and said "Sarah your freckles are like flowers in a garden, each one different but everyone is beautiful". We sat for a little while before going into school. You picked me up from school and asked me how my day had gone I said fine because I'd told the girl what you had told me that morning and she left me alone, you told me "you were very proud of me and as long as I be myself that's all that was important "we laughed and joked all the way home. I have never held my head so high as that day and I have you to thanks for that. You are one of the most amazing men and I can't explain how much I love you and am going to miss you. You have left us all with so many memories that will remain with us forever, I know you have not gone you will always be with us everywhere we turn. You will forever be in my heart the greatest adviser, gentleman, mentor and Bampa, I will love you always and must say "Thank You" for everything you have given and done for me. I'll love you always and forget you never Xxxxxx